SD-XML Release notes

The following release notes is documentation of all major changes in SMASHDOCs sd-xml. Bugfixes and minor changes will not be documented here. The following release notes is documentation of all major changes in SMASHDOCs sd-xml.

Version 2.26.4 (02.03.2023)

  • Added new optional @table-type attribute to table nodes.

Version 2.25.0 (xx.09.2022)

  • Added new @idx attribute to all version nodes.

  • Added new optional @ins and @del attributes to version nodes in image, formula and table sections.

  • Added new optional @ins and @del attributes to image, formula and table nodes.

  • Added new optional redline node to latest node of paragraph section.

Version 2.24.3 (xx.06.2022)

  • Added new allowed values to @cell-type:
    • standard_1

    • standard_2

    • standard_3

    • standard_4

    • standard_5

Version 2.24.2 (27.05.2022)

  • Added new @table-name attribute to the table element

Version 2.23.6 (01.04.2022)

  • Added new attribute @data-pagenumber-enabled to the xref-tag.

Version 2.23.5 (16.03.2022)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.23.4 (17.02.2022)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.23.2 (4.02.2022)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.23.1 (28.01.2022)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.23.0 (26.01.2022)

  • Division separator component added. New <division-separator> element added inside <ordered-sections>

  • <division-separators> element added inside <smashdoc>. With <division-separator> as sub element.

  • Table cells are now displayed with @cell-type, when importing/exporting from/to smashdocs.

Version 2.22.3 (14.01.2022)

  • Replaced @stylename attribute for table cells with @cell-type attribute. Allowed values:
    • standard

    • header

    • currency_dollar

    • currency_euro

    • percent

    • leader_column_1

    • leader_column_2

    • leader_column_3

    • leader_column_4

    • leader_column_5

    • leader_column_6

Version 2.22.2 (03.12.2021)

  • Now there are different border styles in the editor after Word import, pushing data from Excel 365. The following styles are supported: solid, dotted, dashed, double, none.

Version 2.22.1 (26.11.2021)

  • It is now possible to set styles for table cells borders. The following styles are supported: solid, dotted, dashed, double, none.

Version 2.22.0 (05.11.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.21.10 (25.10.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.21.9 (18.10.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.21.8 (08.10.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.21.7 (01.10.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.21.6 (29.09.2021)

  • Added optional @public-link attribute to the citation-link element.

Version 2.21.5 (02.09.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.21.4 (31.08.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.21.3 (27.08.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.21.2 (21.08.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.21.1 (29.07.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.21.0 (16.07.2021)

  • New possible element in sd.xml: <mention>.

  • New conversation messages in sd.xml: ConversationMessage.DueDateChangeMessage, ConversationMessage.AssigneesChangeMessage.

  • Updated InvitationMessage message.

Version 2.20.5 (01.07.2021)

Hint: Changes related to the possibility to enrich comments with bold, italic, underline text and links.

  • add b, i, u and a as part of an acceptable field element child.

  • add b, i, u and a as part of an acceptable old_value element child.

  • add b, i, u and a as part of an acceptable new_value element child.

  • add b, i, u and a as part of an acceptable content element child.

Version 2.20.4 (23.06.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.20.3 (16.06.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.20.2 (11.06.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.20.1 (18.05.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.20.0 (07.05.2021)

Hint: Changes related to the possibility to assign and mention users in comments.

  • add mention as part of the mixed_content entity.

  • add invitee_ids as part of an acceptable message element child.

  • add user_id and mention as part of an acceptable old_value element child.

  • add user_id and mention as part of an acceptable new_value element child.

  • add mention as part of an acceptable content element child.

  • add invitee_ids element with user_id as an acceptable child.

  • add mention as part of an acceptable field element child.

  • add mention element with required @user CDATA containing attribute.

Version 2.19.5 (02.04.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.19.4 (26.03.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.19.3 (05.03.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.19.2 (18.02.2021)

  • Added @downloadLink attribute to the inline-file element.

Version 2.19.1 (03.02.2021)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.19.0 (30.12.2020)

  • No changes to sd.xml.

Version 2.18.9 (12.11.2020)

  • Start of this documentation section.